Picture of Costa Rica taken from the Internet

Tuesday, March 30

The Enigmatic Piece of the Puzzle

A strip of land caught between seas, a bridge between bigger places, a small capillary to the long vein of Central America and the beating heart of the domesticated Western Hemisphere. Completely dismissible to those who are not looking for it, Costa Rica is now one of the most prominent places on the map to me, as I will be spending the next month of my senior year there.
The topographical interpretation of Costa Rica shows the country split down the middle by a range of mountains, the tan of the peaks slowly becoming more substantial as it matures into the greens of the rainforest. Then the land once again fades back to the white beaches, only to disappear in the wide blue expanse of the oceans.
The Northern Pacific part of the country shows long stretches of empty green land broken only by the occasional road. These areas belong to a world I know very little about, a story that is written by the vines closing around the trees, blocking the forest from view. A natural protection against the ever-expanding human race.
Ostional is located on the Nicoya Peninsula, hardly a peninsula as it simply appears to be a small blemish, the outer edge of a puzzle separated from the original whole. Ostional, an approximate six hours from San Jose, in the very middle of the country, is to be my new home. I am to spend three weeks balanced on the tip of the puzzle, looking for the missing piece: so small as to be swallowed by the sea, so different as to be balanced on the edge of a completely different world.

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